
Our Misson

DCCI is the “Independent Voice” of the business community – leading, supporting and encouraging business growth and advancement in the region.

Objectives & Purpose

To promote commercial, trading, shipping and manufacturing interest in Tasmania and elsewhere and to take all the necessary measures to advance the same.

Advocacy – Represent the views, and advocate on behalf, of our members, business and industry. 

Business and industry support & development – grow our business community and people, market share and internal capabilities.

Marketing – ensure our marketing efforts align to achieving strategic objectives and support the identity of Devonport as a destination.

Financial sustainability – ensure our organisational structure and funding is sustainable and responsible.

How the Chamber Works

From our annual meeting each year, the members elect industry representatitves whose responsibilities include bringing forward issues from their specialist sectors for executive discussion and action.

  • The Chamber Executive Committee conducts monthly meetings where representatives from member organisations come together to freely express ideas and discuss issues pertinent to their groups. These meetings serve as a platform for open dialogue and collaboration.

  • Reporting of market conditions within each industry sector at monthly meetings also provides the Chamber with current information on market trends and the health of the local economy. This also gives an indication of the local market as compared with the overall State economy.

  • As a non-party political group, the Chamber can take up any matters with the applicable level of government on behalf of the body or individual that is seeking an effective outcome.

  • In summary, the Chamber views itself as a working partnership of business, professional and community interests, intent on progressing commerce and industry in Devonport and its surrounding districts.

Annual Reports
